Print service providers face a critical challenge: navigating an evolving industry marked by fierce competition, demanding customer expectations, and the need for efficiency and sustainability.

drupa 2024, the world’s leading trade fair for printing technologies, provided a vital platform for addressing these challenges head-on. The event showcased cutting-edge solutions, fostered collaboration, and offered a glimpse into the trends that will define the future of print.

To unpack the key takeaways for print service providers, we turn to the insights of John Blyth, Communications Manager, EMEA Marketing at Ricoh. John brings decades of experience to the table and a deep understanding of the forces shaping the industry.

In this post, we’ll delve into John’s observations on:

  • The remarkable resilience and adaptability of the printing industry.
  • The undeniable rise of inkjet technology as a driving force for innovation.
  • The critical role of automation in creating more streamlined and profitable workflows.
  • The increasing importance of sustainability as a core business imperative.

Join us as we explore these key takeaways and uncover valuable insights to empower print service providers.

drupa 2024: A Resounding Return to Form

After an eight-year hiatus, drupa 2024 marked not just a return to normalcy for the industry but a powerful testament to the enduring strength of print in a digitally driven world. As John put it, “It’s difficult to overstate [drupa’s] significance … it’s a truly global event” that unites the printing community and sets the stage for the years to come.

This year’s event was characterized by a tangible sense of optimism and a willingness to invest in the future. While attendance numbers may have been slightly impacted by the long pause between events, the quality of attendees was undeniable. Ricoh, alongside other major players, reported a high volume of serious buyers ready to adopt the latest innovations. This eagerness to embrace new solutions reflects a healthy and forward-looking industry

One of the most significant observations from drupa 2024 was the changing face of the attendees. John noted that “40% of visitors are from outside of Europe.” This shift underscores the industry’s ongoing globalization, with emerging markets playing an increasingly influential role in shaping the demand for advanced printing technologies.

Inkjet: The Undisputed Future of Print?

John’s enthusiasm for inkjet technology was palpable as he reflected on the trends at drupa 2024. 

“Inkjet truly came of age,” he remarked, highlighting the dramatic advancements that have solidified its position as a dominant force in the industry. No longer seen as a compromise on quality, inkjet is now recognized for its ability to deliver exceptional output that rivals traditional offset printing. To illustrate this point, John shared the experience of a renowned photographer whose work was showcased at the event: “He’s never seen the type of quality that is now being achieved … he was literally emotional because it meant so much to him.”

This leap in quality is directly related to the challenges faced by today’s print service providers. Businesses are under increasing pressure to deliver high-fidelity output across a range of applications while maintaining cost efficiency and operational flexibility. Inkjet rises to meet these demands, offering not only exceptional image quality but also a level of versatility that traditional printing methods struggle to match.

John emphasized this versatility, stating, “Very often, inkjet meets all those demands… It is increasingly the right choice to make and the right direction to go for many print service providers.” Inkjet’s digital nature allows for variable data printing, shorter run lengths, and seamless integration with automated workflows. This makes it an ideal solution for meeting the growing demand for personalized print products, on-demand fulfillment, and highly targeted marketing materials.

Ricoh showcased its commitment to inkjet innovation at drupa 2024 with the launch of two new groundbreaking solutions: 

  • The Ricoh Pro™ Z75, a versatile B2 sheetfed inkjet press, offers exceptional image quality and productivity, making it ideal for a wide range of applications, from high-end marketing collateral to direct mail. 
  • The Ricoh Pro VC80000, a continuous-feed inkjet platform, delivers exceptional speed and efficiency for high-volume transactional and direct mail printing. 

These new offerings demonstrate Ricoh’s dedication to providing print service providers with the tools they need to thrive in an inkjet-driven future.

Automation: The Key to Streamlined Workflows and Enhanced Profitability

As inkjet technology reshapes the landscape of print production, another critical trend is taking center stage: automation. John highlighted the growing importance of streamlined workflows in addressing the challenges faced by print service providers. In a market characterized by tight margins, demanding deadlines, and a need for operational efficiency, automation is a necessity.

“Ultra efficiency is very, very important,” John stressed, pointing to the rising costs of consumables, energy, and labor as key drivers for this shift. “And I think all of the vendors are looking to make major strides in that area to  automate production,  to make it more of a hands off process.” Print businesses are looking for ways to reduce manual touchpoints, minimize errors, and optimize their resources to remain competitive. This is where automation solutions come into play.

John observed a surge in interest around workflow automation at drupa 2024, noting that it was a key theme throughout the event. “We lead and open up many of our conversations with clients and prospects with workflow and software discussions,” he explained, emphasizing the shift towards a more holistic approach to print production. 

Ricoh’s own software solutions, which include print MIS, web-to-print platforms, and data-driven marketing tools, were met with enthusiasm from attendees seeking to streamline their operations and unlock new levels of efficiency. These solutions address the need for end-to-end visibility, data-driven decision-making, and a seamless flow of information from job intake to final output.

The benefits of automation extend beyond cost savings. By freeing up human resources from repetitive tasks, print service providers can focus on higher-value activities, such as customer relationship management, business development, and exploring new market opportunities. In essence, automation empowers print businesses to work smarter, not harder, allowing them to adapt to evolving demands and stay ahead of the curve.

Sustainability: No Longer a ‘Nice-to-Have’

Sustainability is no longer a buzzword or a marketing tactic — it’s a core business imperative, especially in the printing industry. John emphasized this shift at drupa 2024, stating that sustainability is “certainly no longer the ‘nice-to-have’ that some print service providers saw it as in the past.” Today, customers are actively seeking partners who demonstrate a genuine commitment to environmentally responsible practices.

John observed that vendors are now being rigorously scrutinized for their sustainability credentials, with clients demanding clear evidence of their environmental impact. “They are now testing and challenging vendors, I think, quite rigorously, for evidence that their solutions are environmentally responsible, leaving them with a minimum footprint,” he explained.

Ricoh’s presence at drupa showcased the company’s dedication to addressing these concerns. The booth featured a dedicated sustainability zone, highlighting the company’s initiatives and solutions aimed at reducing the ecological footprint of print production. This commitment was further underscored by Ricoh receiving a prestigious BLI Pacesetter Award for Production Print Sustainability at the event.

The adoption of inkjet technology plays a significant role in this sustainability push. Inkjet’s digital nature inherently leads to less waste, reduced energy consumption, and a lower reliance on harmful chemicals compared to traditional printing methods. By embracing inkjet and implementing other environmentally responsible practices, print service providers can not only meet client expectations but also position themselves as leaders in a more sustainable future for the industry.

Embracing the Future of Print

drupa 2024 provided a powerful glimpse into the future of the printing industry — a future defined by innovation, efficiency, and a commitment to sustainable practices. As John’s insights revealed, print service providers who embrace these trends will be best positioned to thrive in an evolving market.

The rise of inkjet technology, with its remarkable quality, versatility, and environmental benefits, is reshaping expectations for print production. Automation is playing an increasingly crucial role in streamlining workflows, optimizing resources, and empowering print businesses to operate with greater agility and profitability. And sustainability is no longer a differentiator — it’s a fundamental requirement for any print service provider seeking to meet the demands of a conscious and discerning clientele.

Ricoh’s presence at drupa 2024 underscored the company’s commitment to empowering print service providers on this journey of transformation. Their cutting-edge inkjet solutions, comprehensive automation tools, and dedication to sustainable practices offer a compelling roadmap for success in the years to come.

Ready to embrace the future of print? Contact Ricoh today to explore our range of solutions and discover how they can help you navigate the changing industry landscape with confidence and vision.

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John Blyth

Meet the Author

John Blyth

John Blyth shares insights from drupa 2024 and how Ricoh created a memorable visitor experience with interactive features like an applications bar showcasing printed samples, a manga artist, and immersive theater productions.

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